Monday, March 22, 2010

New Address! Bye bye blogspot...

.... but not bye bye to blogging!

NavyGuy has finally prevailed on me to move away from Blogger. He's been working furiously to relocate MarryingtheNavy to Wordpress instead. (Which is better for his techie-ness, and gives me more options in the blogosphere.)

If you follow me on a feed reader (such as Google Reader), you will need to update your subscription. On Tuesday, go to (that URL will take you to the new site no problems), and re-subscribe to the feed. You'll know you've correctly subscribed to the new feed if you do NOT see this post at the new site. Instead, you'll see a welcome post, and all my previous ramblings (oh yes, the archives are moving with me).

If you simply have bookmarked, you should be fine. If you are still using, you will need to bookmark the new site (as Blogger will not transfer you over).

Got all that? Really not as complex as I've made it out to be - basically, just keep checking in at, and you'll be with us. Hopefully there won't be too many bugs or glitches with the changeover happening tonight. NavyGuy should have all the technical difficulties under control.

Can't wait to hear what you think about the new blog design and some of the fun new things coming... :)


Anonymous,  March 23, 2010 at 10:00 AM  

Great! This is my second year using WordPress for my classroom blog. Check it out! (Not as fun and interesting as yours, but it serves its purpose.)


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