Goddaughter Update
Little Miss M is two now, and up to more trouble than ever (according to her mom, she went nuts for Lady Gaga on the Grammys last night... lord help us all). Her mom (TWP) sent some recent photos, that I know many of you will appreciate...A girl after my own heart... well done M
A rare outside playground day between the months of October and April in Minnesota...
Rockin' out, Boston style...
What I can only assume is the typical end result of a meal for Miss M.
Miss M is a rabid Wonder Pets fan, so of course her fairy godmother promised her a Ming Ming cape for her birthday in December... what was going to be a home-made gift turned into a last minute Amazon.com gift... but I think Miss M loved it nonetheless!
Mama TWP and Miss M at her Wonder Pets themed birthday party in December. So grown up! (P.S. Love the hair cut TWP!)
Miss M! You and Kitty would be best friends! The silly little girl grins, the rocking look in a stocking cap, the inability to eat a meal without getting it from head to foot.....yup, meant to be friends.
On a different note....WOW Mugs! when you said lots of posts, you meant it! You made a Monday full of preggo hormone surges (aka: bawling unnecessarily thoughtout my prep...can't explain that one...was especially good when the principal showed up in my room) a much more palatable day!
It should be like this every day!
We simply MUST find a way to get those two together- they are destined to become fast friends (and really do share an eerie amount of similarities).
Stay tuned - still a few more posts to come!
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