Monday, February 9, 2009

Cinderella's Slippers Don't Hold a Candle...

They have arrived! My pretty pretty wedding shoes have arrived! My first pair were a different pair, and while also beautiful, they were too heavy. They had thick soles and would have been impossible to walk in after about twenty minutes.

These gems, however, will create no such problems. I strode around the house for a good thirty minutes after they arrived, and didn't get so much as a hint of a blister. I love how delicate they look, yet are still sturdy enough to stand up to a strenuous day of aisle-walking, dancing, and parading around like a princess. I do plan to "foot petal" the bejesus out of them in order to ensure that I can last a long time in them. (But of course, anal-retentive soul I am, I've also got Plan B flip flops). I stood next to NavyGuy in them to test the height difference (in the three inch heels I now come above his shoulder - yea!). My heels came in a pink and brown box (like the company knew my wedding colors!), and even had a satin pink bag to protect them from any possible marring or damage. They meet all of my criteria! Hallelujah, one more thing can be crossed off the list. If you want to check out numerous views, you can see the "Taran" shoe here.


keby February 9, 2009 at 7:15 PM  

Hurray! I'm so impressed you found your wedding shoes so quickly and easily. I bought mine almost a year in advance, but I didn't buy them as wedding shoes. They were cute white shoes that were on super sale ($25!), but they were a little big and not comfortable enough to wear all evening. Flip-flops are a great back-up idea!

Anonymous,  February 9, 2009 at 7:26 PM  

Ooh, beautiful Mugs, very good pick.

Princess of Ales February 10, 2009 at 2:51 PM  

Um, excuse me?! My slippers are GORGEOUS! And my 'maid shoes ain't bad either. Pfft. But yours will do. =) Love them.

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