Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mugs Must List

Now that the wedding is fully recapped, I can return to regularly scheduled programming.  Here are my suggestions for the coming week:

Originally a series of great young teen books, "The Pants" movie picks up where the first movie left off with the four main girls (Lena, Bridget, Carmen, and Tibby) heading off to college after spending a wonderful summer together (and apart).  They keep their friendships alive by sharing a pair of magical jeans; the magic appears in the fact that each different girl fits into this same pair of pants (a true miracle considering that in the course of one day I sometimes don't fit in the same pair of pants).  Either rent the first movie, or just start with number 2 in the series; a great movie to go see with mom, or your best group of girls.

Say what you will about the politics, pollution, and possible USA gold-medal-count upset - nothing beats the Olympics.  I get high just listening to the advertising music NBC has been using to introduce every Today Show segment previewing the games.  Tune in Friday night when the Opening Ceremony kicks it all off.  Who will light the torch?  How will it be lit?  Which athletes will skip the opening to spare their lungs?  People.  People.  Stop being cynical.  THIS is the ultimate reality tv!  If you can't stand the personal stories of hard work and heartbreak (shoved down your throat to fill the time while some random country's athletes compete on the rings), you have to at least check out the "Bird's Nest" Olympic Stadium and "Water Cube" swimming facilities.  (Word of warning for my fellow fans who like to actually wait it out and see who wins the medals - because Beijing is 12 hours ahead, steer clear of any major internet home pages on the days when swimmers and gymnasts compete, unless you want the surprise to be spoiled... because trust me - they will spoil it for you.  In fact, I think they take glee in it.)

My favorite annual issue of NavyGuy's tech magazine features a "how to" guide ranging from the useful technological skills to the more sarcastic life skills.  For example, how to...
- become student body president
- get your album on iTunes
- build an army of followers
- feign sincerity
- win at rock, paper, scissors
Or my personal favorite: Be Geekier Than Thou 

Happy 1st Week of August (a.k.a. National Clown Week)


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