Saturday, August 23, 2008

Why I Despise Local News

This just in from WEAR Channel 3 News in Pensacola:

"The center of Fay is over the Florida panhandle. A tropical storm warning and a flash flood watch is in effect. Fay is expected to weaken. Cloudy, wet and breezy weather can be expected for the rest of the weekend. Rain may become more intense Saturday night and Sunday as the back edge of the storm moves over. So far Fay has not been very impressive."

Um, I'm sorry - flooding and 40mph winds not "impressive" enough for you? What would you like Fay to do so you will be impressed? More deaths? (12 so far, according to More destruction? Gee, I just feel so bad for you, WEAR Channel 3 News - your reporters must not be having any fun out in the field wearing their yellow rain slickers, what with only 40mph winds and gushing flood water to battle.


P.S. Mom - I'm fine. I've battened down the hatches, and have my flashlight and emergency Snickers bar in my back pockets.


Anonymous,  August 23, 2008 at 6:55 PM  

Can I just reiterate that this man better be buying you more diamonds?!!?!?! LARGE ONES!!! I hope you have one of the nice crank flashlights from "the Fleet Farm" that never die. Here's to WA weather...I think it just rains constantly there and never really storms. Could be worse...

Love, Glad to be in the midwest TWP

historygirlie August 24, 2008 at 6:19 AM you never imagined that you'd be living through a hurricane when you were a kid. I hope you stocked up on toilet paper and canned foods....maybe someday you'll be one of those harried looking people at the grocery store being interviewed on the news about the hurricane, wearing your old sweatpants and a Garfield t-shirt.

That would be awesome..... :)

Keah S August 24, 2008 at 8:23 PM  

Yay! I was hoping you'd comment on Fay. I heard some places in FL got over 20 inches of rain. That could be problematic. I had to look up where exactly you are and I'm glad you're slightly drier than the other areas (although it looks like you got nailed today and my internet is too slow to load the path for tomorrow). Let's hope you get out of there before anything else comes along this fall! I'm super jealous having never experienced a tropical storm myself. I suggest you go outside and make a dramatic video of the event that would resemble a certain episode that you guys did at Kim's house back in the day.

Your weather weenie,

ebs handler August 25, 2008 at 4:20 AM  

Don't be such a smart A** to your mother. Remember who loaded 126 boxes and drove 21 hours?
AND I have to go to school today!!!

NavyGirl August 25, 2008 at 9:25 AM  

Strong guilt trip Mom, well played.

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