Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hurricane Update

So far, Mother Nature has been on our side. It looks like Hurricane Gustav is not going to be a serious threat for Pensacola. It rained for about 20 minutes today and there's been increased winds, but otherwise you'd never know there's anything going on in our neck of the woods. The predictions for tomorrow are lots of rain and wind, but we are only on the very outer fringes of the storm. The CNN map below labels Pensacola (underneath the inset), so you can see the brunt of the storm is farther west.

Now, the problem comes in in that NavyGuy and I are leaving for San Diego on Wednesday. He has to be there by Sunday for his survival training, and we had originally planned to simply take I-10 West until we hit ocean; unfortunately, Gustav is throwing a kink into the works, and we are in a holding pattern as to how far north we will have to go before turning left, in order to avoid the storm (and fleeing Louisianans). I had previously had visions of NavyGuy and I singing car songs, stopping at crazy roadside restaurants named after local heros (perhaps, Big Al's Pancake Barn?), and generally taking a leisurely stroll across the Southern United States; the new picture in my head involves flooded roads, insane gas prices, bribing bellhops for hotel rooms, and ending up on a news report for fighting with crowds of hurricane refugees for gallons of water. Hopefully, the trip will end up more like the former; if it ends up like the latter - don't you dare claim not to know me when you see me on the nightly news...


Anonymous,  September 1, 2008 at 8:29 AM  

I'd buy ample snacks and water in FL, plan for the worst and expect the best. Bring a cooler and enjoy the ride. If nothing else, you'll have lots of memories and tons of stories to tell. Perhaps you can name your first born Gustav... :)

I'm sure it'll still be a ton of fun. You'll be past the storm after a couple of states and hopefully it'll be smooth sailing from there.

Drive safe and keep the updates coming!

Love, TWP

Keah S September 1, 2008 at 10:39 AM  

I definitely saw an outer band go over you guys yesterday. Hopefully it was just some heavy rain and no damage! My good friend is down there Hurricane chasing with the DOW (Doppler on Wheels). I haven't heard from her since she arrived in LA. Anywyay, I hope traffic clears up by the time you're ready to leave! If you want to take a MINOR detour, Kate and I are both in Colorado and I promise the drive would be gorgeous! ;) (Kate's got training in Denver this week.)

Be safe and enjoy the road trip! (Break out the Joseph CD for old-time sake).


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