Sunday, August 10, 2008

Mugs Must List

Your weekly pop culture suggestions:

"Dropping" on Tuesday, this could not come at a better time.  After their reunion earlier this summer, NKOTB is once "Hanging Tough" ("I'll be loving you forever" Jordan!!).  If you didn't grow up adoring them in the late 80s, then think of them as the original Jonas Brothers (only significantly hotter and not a product of the Disney channel).  My personal favorite "Step By Step" starts the album, and it continues with 17 of their other classics.  Download it on iTunes, or go truly old school and buy the CD (I know, I know, if we were really going to do them justice we would buy the cassette tape, but there's no point in making ourselves suffer anymore with the incessant rewinding to rehear the best songs).  For those of you fair weather fans who missed their reunion performance on the Today Show, you can catch up here.

Perfect for while you're on a boring phone call at work, or lounging in front of the TV at night.  I'm a big fan of the "How am I doing?" feature, where you can check and see if you've messed up along the way.

Old school Disney animated movie fans, have no fear - Christmas Day, 2009, Disney will release its latest animated movie (not a Pixar flick, but a 1990s style animation ala Little Mermaid, Lion King, etc.) titled The Princess and the Frog.  It features the first African American Disney princess (gee, do you think Mickey's been getting some heat from the NAACP?).  It's hard to judge the movie from the teaser trailer, but it is nice to see 2D characters again.


Anonymous,  August 11, 2008 at 8:05 AM  

I cannot tell you the anger and disappointment I have that I missed the FREE NKOTB concert at the Mall of America. I had stupid class that night. Obviously, my priorities need some realignment...

Macy's mom

Rearden August 12, 2008 at 1:52 PM  

I swear, if you bring that god-awful cd home...

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