Sunday, December 7, 2008

Weekend Wrapup

So, what did I spend my extra seven hours doing (inquiring minds want to know ;)... It was riveting I tell you. There was crafting. There was lunching. There was more crafting. Good stuff.

Onward though. Saturday morning was laziness for a bit, then a trip to Burlington. NavyGuy and I braved the holiday shopping crowds (I won't be taking him out again without protection... for the other shoppers) and checked out the outlet stores, Michaels, and Target. We also found a suitable burrito restaurant replacement (Taco Del Mar) for our beloved Pancheros back home. The outlets were disappointing. It was fun to see the horse-drawn carriage clop around the parking lot giving free rides to cranky children (and it was fun to see NavyGuy try to outrun the sleigh when he didn't want to get stuck behind it), but the stores did not prove helpful. Michaels and Target were pretty quick stops; the best purchase of the day was this dress from Target. I convinced myself it was necessary because a) it could be a backup bridal shower outfit if I jazz it up with a little color, b) it fit, c) it would make a great substitute teacher outfit or job interview outfit, d) it made me feel like the sexpot character from Mad Men, and e) it was $25! (Yes, I know a substitute teacher should not resemble a sexpot television character, but I'm desperate for work.)

Saturday night I babysat a well-behaved 2 1/2 year old boy, whose only downfall is his inability to fall asleep. After an hour of bedtime songs, crying, milk, and pleas for higher intervention, he finally crashed. Target purchase paid for? Check.

Sunday was Save the Date mania. I've been on the couch since 10:30 am, and my back hurts, my right hand is cramped into a claw-like shape making it difficult to type, and I may or may not have addressed an envelope to the King of Belgium (the guest list became a blur around 3 or 4). I'm planning a separate post to share my tips and tricks, as well as a sneak peak at the STDs that were finally chosen. There were also Christmas cards written and addressed, and a birthday card made for a very special goddaughter.

So, that was the first weekend in December. Oh my gosh - I almost forgot! We also put up our Christmas tree Friday night! NavyGuy was a doll and put the artificial tree together and strung the lights, and we both worked on festooning it with our ornaments (sign we were meant to be together - we have the exact same 1982 Baby's First Christmas ornament... except his has a bunch of dog teeth marks on it!). Hope everyone else had a productive or festive weekend!


ebs handler December 8, 2008 at 4:17 AM  

Not to burst any bubbles, but the cute grey plaid dress is only $19.99 online, plus free shipping with minimum purchase. Glad to hear your house is "beginning to look a lot like Christmas". So is my driveway!! Another 6-12" on the way...ho ho ho!

NavyGirl December 8, 2008 at 7:54 AM  

Ooooo! You are just full of evil news this weekend! First I missed three good Culvers flavors, and now a Target sale opportunity wasted! ARGH! Is this payback because I'm not there to help shovel snow?

Princess of Ales December 8, 2008 at 8:59 AM  

That dress makes me think of Charlotte from Sex in the City. Very sexy! Love you.

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