Ewww... Nature Touched Me
"Is that a worm!?!" "No - shoelace."
"Ow - stupid branches hit me."
"Jeez, it's cold out here." "Well, we're in the shade on a mountain."
"Wait up!"
"Ugh, I'm hot." "Well, now we're in the sun."
"Agh! What was that!?!" "Rabbit."
"It smells like ocean."
"Oooo, stand over there. No, not with your hands on your hips - you look like Peter Pan. Yeah, that's good. Wait, why won't the camera work? Oh, hold on, okay, yeah, I've got it. Dang, you moved. Or the sun moved. Shift a little to the left."
"I'm losing interest in this."
So if you've ever wondered what happens when NavyGuy and I try to go outdoors and do things - this is a good glimpse into the fun.
NavyGuy arrived home from work early this afternoon armed with a good idea. His good ideas are usually offered in a very upbeat tone of voice, and phrased in a manner that tries to make me feel like I actually have the option to not participate. Today's plan was to explore a few of the nature-y parts of our new home in the Pacific Northwest. It was a gorgeous fall day, and we a) decided we should take advantage of the nice weather before it's gone, b) could get some cool photos of the area, and c) should scout some sites to take our families to when they visit us at Thanksgiving.
So, we headed out first to summit Mt. Erie, the highest point in Anacortes. It was a steep drive to the top (reminiscent of Hwy 1, but less nauseating) but we were treated to a fantastic view once we reached the top. We could see Mt. Baker in the distance, and the view across Deception Pass. Climbing over rocks and ledges, feeling like a hearty mountain climber, I bravely trudged behind NavyGuy as he explored each individual "path" along the side of the mountain (until the rabbits and branches and shoelace worms started attacking me). After I plopped down on a rock and starting picking at my fingernails, NavyGuy sensed my growing impatience at his Ansel Adams impersonation and we headed back down the mountain.Our next stop was a random road we'd driven by several times, that looked like it led down to the water (there are like 63 different lakes and bays and inlets within a five mile area, so don't ask me what water we were at). The park area we explored was off of a road named Cougar Gap (which sadly, did not make me fear cougars the animal, but instead snort giggle at the idea of a bunch of 40 year old women cougars prowling the park). I believe it was some sort of Deception Pass park (the major bridge crossing from Fidalgo Island to Whidbey Island), because there was a giant statue of the Maiden of Deception Pass (follow the link if you want the crazy story of a woman turning into seaweed or something). We hiked through a few more trails (despite signs posted - Warning, Harzardous Area), and eventually accepted our disappointment that we could not in fact see the Deception Pass bridge from the park.
We headed to our last stop - another park area near Deception Pass. This one had a larger playground area, plus a fun pier that we got to walk out on. It was also a former CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) location - historical note for Farmer Girl -- the CCC did lots in the Washington forests, and CCC alumni erected a bronze statue of a CCC man (shirtless!) near this last park. NavyGuy declined to take a picture - spoil sport. Oh, the CCC was one of the programs that President Roosevelt began during the Great Depression in order to give young men jobs working in the outdoors, improving public spaces. Perhaps we'll see a resurgence of the CCC soon ;)
By the end of our adventure, I was ready to ditch my tennis shoes and outdoorsy winter vest for slippers and a hot bath. As NavyGuy helped me limbo underneath a tree while trekking down a nonexistent trail on Mt. Erie, he commented, "I forget how uncomfortable you are in nature. It's so fun to drag you out and watch you stumble through this. We should do these types of outdoorsy things more often."
Don't worry - I didn't push him over the edge. But he probably deserved it.
First of all, the water we were at at the bottom of "Cougar Gap Rd" was Puget Sound, you know, the big inlet that leads to Seattle on one end and the Pacific ocean on the other? And I *never* deserve to get pushed over the ledge. You don't know what you'd do without me.
Meag as the Maiden
Well played Maverick, well played.
Your knowledge of computer code has finally proven useful.
Just remember - payback is a BITCH (and that bitch has a name...)
Ah well, such is life. I just hope everyone else gets a kick out of it, like I did.
She's missing the fish! Thanks for letting me enjoy nature vicariously. Perhaps it will be raining at Thankgiving......
I don't know what to wish for: a) that you stay on the West Coast foever so we always have the opportunity to enjoy these little nuggets or b) that you get thee back to Wisconsin and stop ruining the majesty with your snatchy commentary. =) But since I get to see your anti-nature face in a few weeks, I guess I'll go with "a"...for now...
P.S. Thanks, Mav, for inserting the sense. In eight years, it never occurred to me that might be your role, but oh, how the tables have turned! =)
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