Saturday, January 3, 2009

Last Dispatch from the Central Time Zone

NavyGuy and I return home tomorrow. I know I'm ready to go back because for the past few days, I've been referring to our house in Anacortes as "home." Apparently, despite my reservations about my new life, home really is just where your heart is (or where you hang your hat... or where you've left your laptop for two weeks). I still am planning to recap some of the best moments of our holidays in Wisconsin, but in the meantime, here are the things I'm most excited to go home for...

1. Going back to Target to purchase all of the bridal shower gifts that were too large to take home on the airplane with us (my beautiful brown ottoman, ah, how I miss you so).
2. Having my laptop back. I miss blogging. I miss surfing. I miss reading celebrity gossip. I miss having constant access to the world.
3. Seeing my friend Brooklet, who I realized I actually missed while home for two weeks, which I take as a sign that I'm actually starting to find a bit of a life in Anacortes.
4. Sleeping in my bed.
5. Not living out of a suitcase.
6. Getting my butt back in gear on my grad school program.
7. Trying out recipes from several of the new cookbooks I received.

I'm sure I'll miss Wisconsin approximately twelve hours after I've gotten back to Washington, but for the time being, I'm going to click my heels together and repeat three times...

There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home.


keby January 3, 2009 at 8:14 PM  

It's so true! I know exactly what you mean. I've stopped referring to Muskego as only took 8 years of not living there year round for it to happen (and for me to get married). I hope you had a fabulous time in WI! Even though I'm only an hour and a half away from our home state, IL is still not the same.

PS. I think I'm coming out to the Seattle area sometime this year, want to meet up?

Brooklet January 4, 2009 at 10:05 AM  

aww you missed me :-). If it makes you feel better, I found myself looking forward to going "home" when we were in Louisiana. I assume that either means that I'm starting to get used to Washington, or my inlaws really are as psychotic as I think they are. The sun is out this morning too so hopefully it will make more appearances once you get back!

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