Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Book Nerd


Pack for month long trip home? Nah.

Work on any of the unfinished wedding tasks? Nah.

Make dinner for NavyGuy? Nah, he hasn't bothered me about it yet.

Respond to a fun note on Facebook? Heck yeah!

Miss A passed this "Book Nerd" quiz onto me. I've omitted a few questions that seem to make no sense (or for which I have no real or entertaining answer), and tagged a few others of you at the bottom! If you have a great answer to one of the questions, feel free to share in the comments!

1) What author do you own the most books by?
Ann M. Martin. Babysitter's Club Series (#1-84, plus 12 Super Specials, 15 Super Mysteries, and the Ann M. Martin biography). If this is foreign to you, go away - I'd like to pretend you don't exist.

2) What book do you own the most copies of?
The Westing Game.

3) Did it bother you that both those questions ended with prepositions?
Should I be worried that I didn't even notice that?

5) What book have you read the most times in your life?
The Giver

6) What was your favorite book when you were ten years old?
Where the Red Fern Grows

7) What is the worst book you've read in the past year?
I know there will be some haters out there, but I'm gonna be honest - did not love Coraline. Maybe the movie is better, but the story didn't grab me.

8) What is the best book you've read in the past year?
Water for Elephants and Still Alice.

9) If you could force everyone you tagged to read one book, what would it be?
Still Alice - see here for the explanation.

11) What book would you most like to see made into a movie?
The Giver

12) What book would you least like to see made into a movie?
The Dictionary?

14) What is the most lowbrow book you've read as an adult?
Nora Roberts all the way. And yet, I have no regrets or shame.

15) What is the most difficult book you've ever read?
Plato's The Republic. Worst. Book. EVER.

17) Do you prefer the French or the Russians?

18) Roth or Updike?

19) David Sedaris or Dave Eggers?

20) Shakespeare, Milton, or Chaucer?

21) Austen or Eliot?

22) What is the biggest or most embarrassing gap in your reading?
Some of the "greats" have slipped through the cracks... for instance, I've only dabbled in Dickens.

23) What is your favorite novel?
Where the Red Fern Grows!

26) Essay?
Anything by Ralph Waldo Emerson

28) Work of nonfiction?
America's Women; 400 Years of Dolls, Drudges, Helpmates, and Heroins.

29) Who is your favorite writer?
I would like to officially dodge the question and say Aaron Sorkin. And I would officially like to dodge the question and take Miss A's answer!

31) What is your desert island book?
The Harry Potter books. All 7.

32) And finally... what are you reading right now?
Population 485; Ladies of Liberty; and The World is Flat (I tend to keep different books in different places and jump between them.)

And now for some tagging! HistoryGirlie and Jersey Girl - I know you could both share some good reads. (I've included the questions I omitted at the bottom in case you want to take a stab at them.)

4) What fictional character are you secretly in love with?
10) Who deserves to win the next Nobel Prize for Literature?
13) Describe your weirdest dream involving a writer, book, or literary character.
16) What is the most obscure Shakespeare play you've seen?
24) Favorite Play?
25) Favorite Poem?
27) Favorite Short story?
30) Who is the most overrated writer alive today?


keby April 21, 2009 at 7:40 PM  

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with a massive collection of Baby-Sitter Club books! I think I spent all of my allowance on buying them.

ebs handler April 22, 2009 at 4:13 AM  

And when is the BSC collection and its "lovely" bookcase going to make its way to your home? Don't forget to pack my Water for Elephants. I need it for an online book club in May.

historygirlie April 22, 2009 at 5:15 AM  

Oooooh....I'm so gong to do this survey! Check for my answers tonight!!!!!


NavyGirl April 22, 2009 at 9:26 AM  

Mom - and disturb the shrine that is my childhood bedroom? I suspect that blue bookcase with the rainbow brite wallpaper and massive collection of BSC books is permanently attached to the wall.

Yes, Water for Elephants is already packed.

Wheels April 22, 2009 at 1:28 PM  

I wish so bad that I still had my Babysitter's Club books! Also, Aaron Sorkin = awesome.

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